4tax rate


According to the Companies Ordinance, annual financial statements of a limited company incorporated in Hong Kong whether or not it is public or private, is required to be audited by a Certified Public Accountant with a practicing certificate issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA").

 Our work and quality control are adopting the Hong Kong Accounting Standards and Auditing Standards as required by the HKICPA and are under the governance of the institute’s ethical standards which emphasises on the independency of the reporting accountants and the confidentiality of clients' information.

We perform our audit engagements by reference to the auditing standards issued by the HKICPA while at the same time we will assess the business nature and the situation of each client in order to carry out a risk-based approach for an efficient audit.

Statutory Audit

One of the statutory requirements under the Inland Revenue Ordinance which states that a limited company incorporated in Hong Kong has to submit its Profits Tax Return together with the audited financial statements. For those newly incorporated company the audited accounts has to be submitted within 18 months after its incorporation.

And under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, the director(s) of a limited company should arrange the Company’s audited financial statements and lay before the Company’s annual general meeting.

Other Audit

1. In order to protect the interests of shareholders, we can provide special audit on the financial statements of your company on the following situations.

  • Investigation on management misconduct;
  • Sale of business and related valuation;
  • Reporting on operation efficiency and management performance, etc.
2. We also provide an audit to any kinds of organizations, including incorporated owners and fellow-native associations etc.  For details please contact us.

We provide a free-of-charge preliminary consultancy and assessment. Quotation will be given after preliminary assessment on the company’s situation and the scope of services required.


2016-17 Budget – Tax Measures

1. The business registration fees are waived for the year of 2016-17 ...


New Companies Ordinance

The new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) which replaces the ...


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